Sunday, December 29, 2019
The General Strain Theory Of Social Psychology - 1647 Words
Introduction The general strain theory has developed into among the greatest crime theories of social psychology with a fairly developed research body. General Strain Theory is thought to be a strong philosophy, and has gathered a lot of experimental confirmation, and has additionally extended its essential degree by offering clarifications of wonders outside of criminal conduct. There are diverse negative relationships with strain or stress that result in negative emotions along with encouraging some coping types. The adaptively is likely to be to be when criminal strains seem severe, unjust along with related with anger. This essay will review the different scholar s argument concerning the sex-specific criminal behavior explanations and the general crime theories about strain and gender. The theory is said to be a way of expanding along with generalizing the strained notion at the level of psychology and understands behaviorally and emotionally cope with the strain (Agnew, 2001). It comprises the engagement of various criminal behaviors (Meadows, 2007). While earlier strain theory versions focused on the inability of achieving class-based or economic status goals as stressors, Agnew drew heavily from the research justice perception and stress exposure in broadening the strained concept. The concept includes various negative relations with other people. These relations comprise actual or threatened experience of not reaching the greatly valued objectives, losingShow MoreRelatedInsight Into Criminal Behavior Essay1735 Words  | 7 Pageson a criminal’s devotion to aggressive behavior, but they differ in their conclusions. Psychological involves personality, addressing certain felt needs, and defective mental processes. Sociological deals with cause and contr ol of criminality. The social structures, cultural values, peer groups, and family all make-up this approach. The biological approach deals with a person’s biological make-up such as heredity, neurotransmitter dysfunction, and brain abnormalities as major components in criminalRead MoreProposed Theories And Approaches Surrounding The True Nature Of Crime1382 Words  | 6 Pagesof proposed theories and approaches surrounding the true nature of crime and what drives criminals to act in the ways that they do. From approaches based around philosophy to those with origins in biology, sociology and psychology, there is yet to be a completely provable explanation for the motivations behind criminal behaviour. The case of 41 year old Alfred is a prime example of this as his case shows aspects of a number of different theories. The sociologically based strain theory first proposedRead MoreThe Emotional Effects Of Emotional Motivational Theory1258 Words  | 6 Pages The Emotional Motivational Theory contributes to the ongoing criminological debate while answering what exactly causes humans to commit crime. 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Some of these theories have been said to withstand the test of time, and even been used as building blocks for newer theories. Others, however, have been deemed â€Å"bad†theories, or simply have not held up to the passage of time and rapid changes of modern society. The criteria for judging these theories varies. Determining which theory is best would be a difficultRead MoreThe General Strain Theory Of Criminology Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesBefore we embark on description and analysis of a General Strain Theory of criminology, it is important to, first of all, understand the meaning of the term criminology. Criminology, as defined by the two social theorists, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham of Italy and England respectively in their classical school of criminology, is the scientific study of crime, its causes, law enforcement as well as prevention measures taken to curb and control the crime in this case. Despite the fact thatRead MoreStress And The Stress Management1474 Words  | 6 PagesSelye’s approach. Then it is going to critically evaluate the General Adaptation Syndrome (G.A.S) explanation of stress. Also critically evaluate the contrast between SRRS and Daily Hassles explanation of stress. Finally it is going to discu ss the role of individual differences and stress in relation to Friedman and Rosenman’s research. 1.Stress is a complex subject that it research involving a good amount of science including psychology, physiology, biology and sociology. Therefore, there is notRead More12 O Clock Boys861 Words  | 4 Pagescrime, and Chambliss Hass (2012) explain that the Chicago School is used to, â€Å"...explain why crime was concentrated in certain part of inner-city zones where the structure is weak and disorganized due to high rates of poverty and unemployment, rapid social change, competition for limited resources, and conflict between different cultural values.†(p. 179). The documentary follows a man named Steven, who is a veteran rider with the 12 O’Clock Boys. He discussed his experience riding in his youth andRead MoreThe Major Theories Of Criminal Behavior And The Impact Of Crime On Victims And Society1580 Words  | 7 Pages Psychology of Human and Criminal Behaviour Describing and Evaluating the Major Theories of Cause of Criminal Behaviour and the Impact of Crime on Victims and Society London Foundation campus 1. Introduction Akers Sellers (2013) noted that there are various common theories that are pertinent to the study of crime as the extents of crime explanations range from the genetic/biological through to the economic and social perspective. Howitt (2012) divided these theories into four
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Analysis Of The Tell Tale Heart And Misery
Inheritance The structure and ideals of how a short story should be created can be linked to two distinct authors: Poe and Gogol. When looking at these two authors’ works, one can tell that each has their own independent characteristics of a short story. Gogol’s short stories, as can be seen in his work â€Å"The Overcoat,†tend to be fairly long with a multiplicity of mood and drawn-out details. In contrast, Poe’s works, as seen in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†are much shorter, focused on a particular mood and direct. With this in mind, Chekhov’s short story â€Å"Misery†can be assessed to determine which model it follows. Although the two short stories â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and â€Å"Misery†were written in two different countries, their structures are very similar. Overall, it seems that Chekhov’s â€Å"Misery†is a direct heir of Poe’s â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†due to its structure, creation of a specific mood, and expression of human emotion. Although many would argue that the work â€Å"Misery†is an heir of Gogol’s â€Å"The Overcoat,†its structure better resembles that of â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart.†The first thing that can be assessed about â€Å"The Overcoat†is its sheer length. Although it is classified as a short story, it outnumbers â€Å"Misery†by a factor of five pages to one. If Chekhov wanted to closely resemble Gogol, he would have drawn out his work to make it more in-depth. He did not do this, and thus the story better matches the structure of Poe’s story. Also, the writer of â€Å"Poe on the Short Story†Show MoreRelatedPhilippine vs. Anglo-Saxons Short Stories1239 Words  | 5 PagesMa. Gretchiela G. Gabral R71 Ma. Gretchiela G. Gabral R71 Comparative Analysis of Philippine and Anglo-Saxon Short Stories It could not be denied that the early Philippine short stories in English were influenced by the Anglo-Saxon. The Philippine short stories had evolved from the earlier literature of fables and folk tales and adapted the elements of the short stories of the Anglo-Saxon. The Philippine and Anglo-Saxon short stories were alike in many ways. I found â€Å"Dead Stars†, the firstRead MoreComparison of Edgar Allen Poes The Tell-Tale Heart and Stephen Kings Misery2211 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿Comparison of Edgar A. Poes The Tell-Tale Heart and Stephen Kings Misery Introduction The objective of this study is to compare Edgar Allan Poes The Tell-Tale Heart and Stephen Kings Misery. Poes work entitled The Tell-Tale Heart begins with the statement: TRUE! nervous very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard allRead MoreWhy Should We Care?1748 Words  | 7 Pagesmarriage†(The Complete Poems). Edgar Allan Poe had quite a bit of work that some would describe as â€Å"unsettling,†like â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†but he also had some calmer, more introspective works as well. For instance, â€Å"Alone,†one of his first poems from 1829, reflects on a man’s lonely childhood where he did not feel as though he fit in with others (â€Å"Chronology†). Poe tells of how he stood out from his peers in the first two lines of the poem, â€Å"From childhood’s hour I have not been / As others wereRead MoreAnalysis of Edgar A. Poe Through the Tell-Tale Heart Essay example1290 Words  | 6 PagesTrey Rutherford Mrs. Keri Mathis ENGL 1102 13 February 2013 Discovering the Darkness: A Psychological Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe In every culture, in every nation around the world, there are those names which echo in the minds of the people. These names are bred into every individual from childhood as masters of their crafts, whether such a craft is in the arts, athletics, or academics. One such name in American history that must be agreed upon as one of the masters and shapers of AmericanRead More Summary and Analysis of The Merchants Tale Essay example1744 Words  | 7 PagesSummary and Analysis of The Merchants Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Merchants Tale: The merchant claims that he knows nothing of long-suffering wives. Rather, if his wife were to marry the devil, she would overmatch even him. The Merchant claims that there is a great difference between Griseldes exceptional obedience and his wifes more common cruelty. The Merchant has been married two months and has loathed every minute of it. The Host asks the Merchant to tell a tale of his horridRead MoreThe Laugh Of The Medusa By Helene Cixous1618 Words  | 7 Pagesmake-believe goblins. Although Cixous’ analysis may explain the responsibility of Rossetti as a poet and furthermore reveal the deeper purpose behind her work, the poem’s content surpasses the explanations provided by Cixous in that the characters do not embrace their sexuality or the otherness of their young lives, but instead return to predictable, common lives. Although this appears to be credited to the limitations of a poet’s power as an advocate, through further analysis of the poemâ€⠄¢s form and obviousRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Death Of A Soldier 775 Words  | 4 PagesFaaiza Ajmal Webster Watnik English 100 ONLINE 1 December 2014 Analysis: Death of a Solider Louisa May Alcott served as a volunteered nurse during the American Civil War, which took place in the 1860’s. It was a brutal war between the United States and the Confederate states. Alcott documented the last days of a brave solider named John. The almost thirty year old seldom spoke, uttered no complaint, asked no sympathy, but tranquilly observed what went on about him. With the use of several changingRead MoreThe Evil Within No Country for Old Men Essay897 Words  | 4 Pagesbrother’s movie is evil. The movie No Country for Old Men is based on a book by Cormac McCarthy. According to Lan Buckwalter, â€Å"McCarthys bloody and beautiful novel comes to life under the Coens able touch†(1/1). The movie No Country for Old Men tells a tale of Sheriff Ed Tom Bell’s life as he tries to exonerate the country of the increasing evil in a region where his father and grandfather once served as sheriff. Bell inclined to sheriff at the age of twenty five. According to Bell, he was remarkablyRead MoreKing Lear Important Quotes and Summaries1723 Words  | 7 Pagesquote: â€Å"Fairest Cordelia, that art most rich, being poor; Most choice, forsaken; and most loved, despised!†speaker: King of France to Cordelia analysis: King Lear has disowned his youngest daughter because she did not express in words how much she loved him. When Burgundy and the King of France come to claim her as their love, Lear tells the she is worthless, and ask if they still would want her, Burgundy doesnt but the King of France does. Act I, sc. ii: quote: â€Å"Thou, nature,Read MoreEdgar Allen Poe: His Life and His Work1764 Words  | 8 Pagesa society of people who slow down to look at traffic accidents and find excitement in the macabre. We turn off the lights when watching scary movies, and when its time to go to bed, we secretly make sure the closet doors are shut. Fear keeps our hearts pumping and endorphins rushing, for it is an emotion that reminds us of our mortality. How ironic it is to experience more life in our fascination with death. br brEdgar Allen Poe was a master of his craft, gifted with the talent of introducing
Friday, December 13, 2019
Solutions Managerial Accounting Free Essays
A company usually has a small number of processing departments, whereas a job-order costing system often must keep track of the costs of undress or even thousands of jobs. In a process costing system, a Work in Process account IS maintained for each separate processing department. 4-5 The journal entry would be: work in process, Firing XX Work in Process, Mixing . We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions Managerial Accounting or any similar topic only for you Order Now The costs that might be added in the Firing Department include: (1 ) costs transferred in from the Mixing Department; (2) materials costs added in the Firing Department; (3) labor costs added in the Firing Department; and (4) overhead costs added in the Firing Department. Under the weighted-average method, equivalent units Of production consist Of units rendered to the next department (or to fin- each unit transferred out of the department is counted as one equivalent unit-?regardless of in what period the work was done to complete the units. Under the FIFO method, only the work done in the current period is counted. Units transferred out are divided into two parts. One part consists Of the units in the beginning inventory. Only the work needed to complete these units is shown as part of the equivalent units for the current period. The other part of the units transferred out consists of the units started and completed during the current period. -10 The weighted-average method mixes costs from the current period with costs from the prior period. Thus, under the headquartering method, the department’s apparent performance in the current period is influenced to some extent by what happened in a prior period. In contrast, the FIFO method cleanly separates the costs and work of the current period from those of the prior period. This makes the FIFO method superior to the weighted-average method for cost control because current performance should be measured in relation to costs of the current period only. 4-11 Operating departments are the units in n organization within which the central purposes of the organization are carried out; these O The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2008. All rights reserved. Solutions Manual, Chapter 4 departments usually generate revenue. By contrast, service departments provide support or assistance to the operating departments. Examples of service departments include laundry services in a hotel or hospital, internal auditing, airport maintenance services (ground crews), cafeteria, personnel, cost accounting, and so on. 4-12 Service department costs are allocated to products and services in two stages. Service apartment costs are first allocated to the operating departments. These allocated costs are then included in the Operating departments’ overhead rates, which are used to cost products and services. 4-14 Under the direct method, interdepartmental services are ignored; service department costs are allocated directly to operating departments. -15 under the step-down method, the costs of the service department performing the greatest amount of service for the other service deep retests are allocated first, the costs of the service department performing the next greatest amount of service are allocated next, and so Roth through all the service departments. Once a service departments costs have been a llocated, costs are not reallocated back to it under the step-down method. 4-13 Interdepartmental services exist whenever two service departments provide services to each other. O The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2008. How to cite Solutions Managerial Accounting, Papers
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