Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Universal Teaching for Conditional Education
Although the reforms undoubtedly well intentioned. That however doesn’t excuse that it is an abysmal failure and the lack of acknowledgement accountability for this has left a bitter taste in concerned parent’s mouths. The people who are being neglected the most by the educational reforms are the students; No Child Left Behind, educational romanticism, and teachers unions all play an equal roll in this blatant disregard for the wellbeing and future success of the students. No Child Left Behind is seen as a huge detriment to education process and neglects the students. Diane Ravitch sums up No Child Left Behind’s effect on education in her article â€Å"Diane Ravitch: Obama and No Child Left Behind†. â€Å"NCLB mandated that 100 percent of students†¦show more content†¦NCLB only includes the student’s scores, and excludes the students in every other instance which include when scores are below expectation. No Child Left Behind universalizes the students by trying putting them all on the same level or the norm and excludes those away from the that level. In debate my affirmative case is about universal ethics towards the Other. The Other is simply defined as not you; that the Other is someone else that you are interacting with that can change depending on the situation. After using certain philosophies in debate, I tend to reflect and try to incorporate some of these philosophies in my life; this year it has led to me being a proponent of universalizing almost everything, so there is some significance when I say that universalizing students is a terrible idea. This is the idea behind programs like NCLB that support the universal standardized testing of students. This not a faceless entity that you can simply name as the Other. In a group of many people with differences, it is impossible to group all of the students together, so some will be excluded from this group. By excluding those s tudents outside the norm No Child Left Behind will fail to account for them and allow them to fall behind, and through the cracks. Universalizing education is great in theory but in practice it will exclude those that do not fall between the parameters of the average intellectual range. Another way that student education is being universalized is NoShow MoreRelatedPANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM (4Ps) Case Study4557 Words  | 19 PagesINTRODUCTION A Conditional Cash Transfer Program is a program implemented by the government where money (cash grants) is given to eligible beneficiaries given that these beneficiaries comply with certain conditions such as nutrition, education, family development sessions, and other such services offered by the government. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fdafd free essay sample
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